0191 4170242 Emergency: 07950 828435 andrew@riversideplumbing.org

T: 0191 4170242 M: 07950 828435 E: andrew@riversideplumbing.org

Outside tap fitted for a Chester le Street based customer

We recently fitted an outside tap for a customer based in Chester le Street, we always install more outside taps during the summer months for clients wanting to look after their garden etc, the job is relatively simple to carry out and doesn’t take more than a couple of hours.
The benefits of having an outside tap are:
• Watering your garden without having to refill a watering can several times over
• Cleaning bikes, scooters & bins
• Washing down pets after muddy walks
• Filling your paddling pool
If you would like a free no obligation quotation to fit an outside tap to your property please contact us via email on andrew@riversideplumbing.org or call on 07950 828435.